Kivy configuration filetype

Experimental custom filetype for the Kivy language.

The Kivy language is a language dedicated to describing user interface and interactions. You could compare this language to Qt’s QML, but with included new concepts such as rule definitions (which are somewhat akin to what you may know from CSS), templating and so on.

This language is used beside python to build and manage some great portable GUI for Android, iOS, Linux, OS X and Windows systems.

# For complete documentation of this file, please see Geany's main documentation
# default extension used when saving files
# You can add all properties even your custom ones to the primary line
# all items must be in one line
primary=True False pos size if for font_size height width x y text orientation None id sp dp size_hint size_hint_x size_hint_y canvas canvas.before canvas.after color background_normal background_down anim_delay source rgba name valign halign markup text_size texture_size allow_stretch keep_ratio rectangle spacing padding padding_x padding_y orientation value rows lines top border background_active background_color foreground_color cursor_color input_type multilines keyboard_suggestions auto_indent background_disabled_active background_disabled_normal cursor cursor_blink cursor_col cursor_pos cursor_row disabled_foreground_color font_name handle_image_left handle_image_right hint_text hint_text_color input_filter keyboard_suggestions line_height line_spacing minimum_height multiline password password_mask readonly replace_crlf scroll_x scroll_y selection_color selection_from selection_text selection_to suggestion_text tab_width use_bubble use_handles write_tab on_press on_touch on_release on_text on_top on_y on_x on_height on_width on_size on_size_hint on_pos on_pos_hint on_double_tap on_quad_touch on_triple_tap 
# The following list is not exhaustive, you may need to add some built-in or custom class names to the identifiers.
# all items must be in one line
identifiers=Canvas before after TextInput BoxLayout RelativeLayout FloatLayout Scatter Label Image BorderImage Button ListItemButton ListItemView ScreenManager Screen SlideTransition FallOutTransition RiseInTransition Color ListAdapter Image StringProperty BooleanProperty NumericProperty ObjectProperty Rectangle Line GridLayout ScrollView

And alter your filetype_extensions.conf to add the new Kv filetype.
