Experimental custom filetype for Puppet configuration files.
[styling=Perl] [keywords] # https://docs.puppetlabs.com/puppet/latest/reference/lang_reserved.html primary=and case class default define else elsif false if in import inherits node or true undef unless [lexer_properties=Perl] [settings=Perl] lexer_filetype=Perl extension=pp [indentation] #width=4 # 0 is spaces, 1 is tabs, 2 is tab & spaces #type=1
And alter your filetype_extensions.conf to add the new Puppet filetype. Beware: as Puppet and Psacl share the .pp
extension, you'll have to remove if from the Pascal line if you want it handled as Puppet.
[Extensions] ... # you need to remove *.pp from Pascal, so redefine it without *.pp Pascal=*.pas;*.inc;*.dpr;*.dpk; Puppet=*.pp; ... [Groups] ... Misc=...;Puppet; ...