Add your criteria in as brief and general way as possible as a top-level bullet point.
Add your name to the criteria so we know who added it without scouring the wiki page history.
List any details/notes about the criteria required to make it clear or explain your reasoning, indented under the criteria as sub-bullet points.
If one of the exact criteria you were going to list is already listed, don't repeat it, just add your name and any further details (if applicable).
Don't argue/disagree with any existing criteria listed (it's not the place), just add your own criteria/anti-criteria and we can reconcile them later.
Don't edit other peoples criteria to suit your own criteria if it's not the exact same thing, if you aren't sure, just add a new criteria and we can merge them later.
We aren't looking for specific version numbers here, but rather a general way to decide what is the oldest version
Geany is going to support in new versions moving forward.
Geany is not a GNOME application, please leave feelings about GNOME at the door, we aren't looking for specific
GTK+ versions here (ex. GTK2).
This is only related to new
Geany versions, it doesn't apply to existing releases/versions.
Feel free to edit other non-criteria parts of this page as much as needed to make things more clear, to add any needed ground rules, fix spelling mistakes, etc.