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config:qml [2013/03/23 11:44] – removed reference to json olyconfig:qml [2015/11/29 13:55] (current) – Additional spelling and grammar fixes devyncjohnson
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 ====== QML Filetype ====== ====== QML Filetype ======
-QML files are not supported by geany currently how ever you can setup these rules to get some highlight in your code, however i have been experimenting with the ubuntu touch api rather than use the default qt creator application wanted to use geany and have some highlighting and be able to test my programs.+QML files are not currently supported by Geany. However, you can setup these rules to get highlighting support for your code. Althoughhave been experimenting with the Ubuntu touch API rather than using the default Qt-Creator application, I wanted to use Geany and have some highlighting and be able to test my programs.
-First modify ''filetypes_extensions.conf'' likely located here ~/.config/geany/filedefs/filetypes_extensions.conf create this file if it does ont exist,  +First modify ''filetypes_extensions.conf'' likely located at ''~/.config/geany/filedefs/filetypes_extensions.conf''. Create this file if it does not exist. Nextadd the below code to the file (''...'' means existing data): 
-Add this to the file (''...'' means existing data): + 
-<code ini> +<code ini>[Extensions]
 ... ...
 QML=*.qml QML=*.qml