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config:scss [2019/03/03 19:34] – created colombanwconfig:scss [2019/03/03 21:22] (current) – Links to Geany manual colombanw
Line 3: Line 3:
 [[https://sass-lang.com/|SCSS]] is an extension over CSS, that can be compiled down to plain CSS. [[https://sass-lang.com/|SCSS]] is an extension over CSS, that can be compiled down to plain CSS.
-Add this to the ''filetype_extensions.conf'' file (''...'' means existing data):+Add this to the ''[[https://www.geany.org/manual/#filetype-extensions|filetype_extensions.conf]]'' file (''...'' means existing data):
 <code ini> <code ini>
 [Extensions] [Extensions]
Line 16: Line 16:
 </code> </code>
-And create a new filedef named ''filetypes.SCSS.conf'' with the following contents:+And create a new [[https://www.geany.org/manual/#custom-filetypes|filedef]] named ''filetypes.SCSS.conf'' with the following contents:
 <file properties filetypes.SCSS.conf> <file properties filetypes.SCSS.conf>
 [styling=CSS] [styling=CSS]