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config:start [2015/02/03 17:41] – Add content to error_regex dgmconfig:start [2019/10/15 16:22] (current) – header rename since 'general template information' isn't a filetype, strictly speaking wesdean
Line 7: Line 7:
 <nspages config:customcmds -title -simplelist -exclude:start -textns="" -textpages=""> <nspages config:customcmds -title -simplelist -exclude:start -textns="" -textpages="">
-==== Custom Filetypes ====+==== Custom Filetypes and Templates ====
 <nspages config -title -simplelist -exclude:start -textns="" -textpages=""> <nspages config -title -simplelist -exclude:start -textns="" -textpages="">
Line 14: Line 14:
 <nspages config:scripts -title -simplelist -exclude:start -textns="" -textpages=""> <nspages config:scripts -title -simplelist -exclude:start -textns="" -textpages="">
-==== Error regex ==== 
-Add to your project, preferences or filetype's [build-menu] section, as described in the [[http://www.geany.org/manual/dev/index.html#build-menu-section|manual]] 
-  * Maven: ''error_regex=\\[ERROR\\] (.+):\\[(0-9]+),[0-9]+\\].+'' 