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howtos:win32:build [2015/06/28 10:30] – Add a note about copying grep.exe enricohowtos:win32:build [2016/08/08 09:23] (current) – Drop old Waf instructions and a redirect to the current build instructions enrico
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-====== Build Geany on Windows (using Waf) ======+~~REDIRECT>howtos:win32:msys2~~
-This howto describes how to set up a working build environment on Windows 
-to be able to compile, build and test Geany and Geany-Plugins. 
-Furthermore, this howto will cover how to create a full Geany release on Windows including 
-generating the Windows installers. 
-The described setup is quite custom and might not be state-of-art and as clean as it could. 
-However, it worked for the author([[users/enrico]]) for years :). 
-Be careful about paths: this howto assumes everything is installed on the C: drive of a Windows 
-system (tested on Windows XP and 7). Furthermore, most additional dependent libraries and helper 
-utilities are installed into c:\libs. 
-It is recommended to keep these locations. If you need to change them, be careful and be sure 
-to adjust all paths mentioned in the following sections before executing them. 
-Also note that in some of the linked helper scripts, the paths are hardcoded, so you need to adjust 
-them as well. 
-===== Prerequisites ===== 
-Download and install the following tools 
-==== Git ==== 
-Download and install from http://git-scm.com/download/win 
-==== Python ==== 
-Python is required for the Waf build system and various helper scripts. 
-Best to use the x86 (32bit) version of the latest Python 2 installer. 
-Download the installer, execute it and follow the instructions (install to c:\python27). 
-==== Perl ==== 
-Download and install the Strawberry Perl distribution from http://strawberryperl.com. 
-This distribution also includes the mingw-gcc and related tools which will be used to compile Geany later. 
-Choose the 32bit installer and install Perl into c:\perl. 
-==== NSIS ==== 
-To be able to Windows installers for Geany (most probably only interesting for Geany core devs), you need 
-the Nullsoft Scriptable Install System (NSIS). 
-Download and install NSIS 2.46. 
-==== UnxUtils ==== 
-UnxUtils contain lots of well known and useful tools from a Unix system, compiled for Windows (find, grep, etc.). 
-Download the ZIP archive and unpack it to C:\libs\utils 
-==== GTK+ ==== 
-And now to the exciting part: GTK+ on Windows. 
-The easiest way is to download the whole GTK+ bundle (GTK+2.0, http://www.gtk.org/download/win32.php) and extract it to c:\libs. 
-==== Gettext ==== 
-Download the following archives and extract them to c:\libs. 
-  * http://ftp.gnome.org/pub/gnome/binaries/win32/dependencies/gettext-tools-dev_0.18.1.1-2_win32.zip 
-  * http://ftp.gnome.org/pub/gnome/binaries/win32/dependencies/gettext-runtime_0.18.1.1-2_win32.zip 
-  * http://ftp.acc.umu.se/pub/gnome/binaries/win32/intltool/0.40/intltool_0.40.4-1_win32.zip 
-==== DocUtils (rst2html) ==== 
-Download the tarball from http://docutils.sourceforge.net and extract it to some folder. 
-Enter the folder and execute the following commands: 
-cd docutils-0.12 
-python setup.py install 
-cp Tools\rst2html.py c:\python27 
-==== Further dependencies (for geany-plugins) ==== 
-If you want to compile geany-plugins as well, you need the following dependencies. 
-Download the archives and extract them into c:\libs. 
-  * http://download.tuxfamily.org/ctpl/releases/ctpl-0.3.2-win32.zip 
-  * http://ftp.acc.umu.se/pub/gnome/binaries/win32/libsoup/2.26/libsoup-dev_2.26.3-1_win32.zip 
-  * http://ftp.acc.umu.se/pub/gnome/binaries/win32/libsoup/2.26/libsoup_2.26.3-1_win32.zip 
-  * http://ftp.acc.umu.se/pub/gnome/binaries/win32/dependencies/libxml2_2.9.0-1_win32.zip 
-  * http://ftp.acc.umu.se/pub/gnome/binaries/win32/dependencies/libxml2-dev_2.9.0-1_win32.zip 
-  * http://ftp.acc.umu.se/pub/gnome/binaries/win32/dependencies/enchant-dev_1.5.0-2_win32.zip 
-  * http://ftp.acc.umu.se/pub/gnome/binaries/win32/dependencies/enchant_1.5.0-2_win32.zip 
-=== Lua for Windows === 
-Setting up Lua on Windows in our custom build environment requires a few additional steps. 
-  * Download lua-5.1.4_Win32_dll12_lib.zip from http://sourceforge.net/projects/luabinaries/files/5.1.4/Windows%20Libraries/ 
-  * Extract to c:\libs 
-  * Move liblua5.1.* to c:\libs\lib 
-  * Create c:\libs\lib\pkgconfig\lua.pc with the following content: 
-<code ini lua.pc> 
-Name: Lua 
-Description: A fast and lightweight IDE using GTK2 
-Requires: gtk+-2.0 >= 2.8.0 
-Version: 5.1 
-Libs: -L${libdir} -llua5.1 
-Cflags: -I${includedir} 
-===== Setup ===== 
-==== Modify %PATH% ==== 
-For convenience and a working build system, you need to extend the %PATH% variable, so the newly installed tools will be available 
-without typing the whole path every time. 
-To do so, open the //Control Panel// and choose //System and Security\System//, then click on the left on //Advanced system settings//. 
-In the newly opened dialog, click on //Environment Variables//. In the list of //System variables// search for //Path//. 
-Edit it and add the following paths to the end of list (seperated with semicolon): 
-C:\python27;C:\Program Files (x86)\NSIS;c:\libs\bin;C:\libs\utils\usr\local\wbin;C:\Program Files (x86)\Git\cmd;C:\perl\perl\site\bin;C:\perl\perl\bin;C:\perl\c\bin 
-It might be some of the paths were already added by some installers. Adding them twice won't hurt but it is always better to check the whole list before saving. 
-Then save and close all dialogs. 
-To test the new setting, open a new command line window (Start -> Run -> "cmd.exe") and test executing the following commands: 
-  * python 
-  * perl 
-  * wget 
-  * pkg-config 
-  * makensis 
-==== Clone the Geany repository from Github ==== 
-Before starting with the rest, you need the Geany source code first (and the code of geany-plugins and the extra themes). 
-In a command line window, execute the following commands: 
-mkdir \git 
-cd \git 
-git clone git://github.com/geany/geany 
-git clone git://github.com/geany/geany-plugins 
-git clone git://github.com/geany/geany-themes 
-===== Build and test ===== 
-==== Build Geany ==== 
-Now you are ready to compile and build Geany already. 
-In a command line window, execute the following commands: 
-cd \git\geany 
-python waf configure 
-python waf build 
-python waf install 
-If all went fine, you should have a full Geany for Windows build in \git\geany\geany-1.25 (or whatever is the current version of GIT Master). 
-=== Copy include headers for later use === 
-To be able to compile plugins against your current version of Geany,  
-you need to copy the header files and the pkg-config file geany.pc to 
-c:\libs so that pkg-config and the compiler will find those files. 
-To do so easily, you can use the following script to copy the header files and the geany.pc  
-pkg-config file to c:\libs. 
-<code python copy_headers.py> 
-#!/usr/bin/env python 
-import glob, os, shutil 
-VERSION = '1.25nightly' 
-DEST = r'\libs' 
-# header files 
-shutil.rmtree(r'%s\include\geany' % DEST, ignore_errors=True) 
-shutil.copytree(r'geany-%s\include\geany' % VERSION, r'%s\include\geany' % DEST) 
-# geany-0.dll 
-dlls = glob.glob(r'geany-%s\bin\geany*.dll' % VERSION) 
-for filename in dlls: 
-    # copy it to lib\ instead bin\ so the lookup works 
-    # rename the file to geany.dll, as the linker uses '-lgeany' 
-    # this loop will overwrite previously copied files if there is more 
-    # one geany*.dll in the source directory, this should not happen 
-    shutil.copy(filename, r'%s\lib\geany.dll' % DEST) 
-# geany.pc 
-shutil.copy(r'geany-%s\lib\pkgconfig\geany.pc' % VERSION, r'%s\lib\pkgconfig' % DEST) 
-==== Build Geany-Plugins ==== 
-After Geany has been compiled and the headers copied into the target location, you 
-should be able to compile Geany-Plugins as well. 
-In a command line window, execute the following commands: 
-cd \git\geany 
-python waf configure 
-python waf build 
-python waf install 
-Carefully read the output of //python waf configure// and check whether the installed dependencies 
-have been found. At the time of writing, it is expected that the following dependencies will not 
-be found and/or are not really supported yet: 
-  * GpgMe 
-  * GtkSpell 
-  * PyGTK (an update to this tutorial for building GeanyPy using PyGTK on Windows is planned) 
-  * VTE 
-  * Vala 
-  * WebKit 
-If all went fine, you should have the plugins built in \git\geany-plugins\geany-plugins-1.25 (or whatever is the current version of GIT Master). 
-==== Test the Geany build ==== 
-After you have built Geany and Geany-Plugins from source, you might want to run and test it. 
-This is a bit tricky but possible. 
-=== Initial test setup === 
-Execute the following commands only once: 
-  * create directory: c:\git\geany_test 
-  * copy everything from c:\git\geany\geany-1.25 to c:\git\geany_test 
-  * copy bundled GTK runtine environment to c:\git\geany_test 
-  * copy everything from c:\git\geany-plugins\geany-plugins-1.25 to c:\git\geany_test 
-  * copy plugins dependencies from c:\git\geany-plugins\contrib to c:\git\geany_test 
-=== Usage === 
-Save the following script to \git\geany\ 
-<code winbatch _geany_test.bat> 
-cd c:\git\geany\ 
-copy _build_\geany.exe c:\git\geany_test\bin\ 
-xcopy /Y _build_\*.dll c:\git\geany_test\lib\ 
-cd c:\git\geany-plugins\ 
-for /F "usebackq" %%i in (`dir /s /b _build_\*.dll`) do copy %%i c:\git\geany_test\lib 
-# cleanup 
-rm c:\git\geany_test\lib\libgeanylua.dll 
-cd c:\git\geany_test\bin\ 
-geany.exe -v --socket-file ..\_geany_config\mysocket -c ..\_geany_config 
-Then whenever you want to test a Geany build, run _geany_test.bat from \git\geany. 
-===== Create a stripped down GTK runtime environment ===== 
-To create a stripped down GTK runtime environment used to embed into the Windows installer, 
-we first download the latest GTK (currently GTK2) bundle from www.gtk.org. 
-For this example the bundle gtk+-bundle_2.24.10-20120208_win32.zip was used. 
-Extract the bundle into a new folder. 
-Then execute the following commands to remove any not necessary files: 
-rm -rf bin\envsubst.exe 
-rm -rf bin\fc-cache.exe 
-rm -rf bin\fc-cat.exe 
-rm -rf bin\fc-list.exe 
-rm -rf bin\freetype-config 
-rm -rf bin\gdbus.exe 
-rm -rf bin\gdk-pixbuf-csource.exe 
-rm -rf bin\gdk-pixbuf-query-loaders.exe 
-rm -rf bin\gettext.exe 
-rm -rf bin\gettext.sh 
-rm -rf bin\gio-querymodules.exe 
-rm -rf bin\glib-compile-schemas.exe 
-rm -rf bin\glib-genmarshal.exe 
-rm -rf bin\glib-gettextize 
-rm -rf bin\glib-mkenums 
-rm -rf bin\gobject-query.exe 
-rm -rf bin\gtk-builder-convert 
-rm -rf bin\gtk-demo.exe 
-rm -rf bin\gtk-query-immodules-2.0.exe 
-rm -rf bin\gtk-update-icon-cache.exe 
-rm -rf bin\gtk-update-icon-cache.exe.manifest 
-rm -rf bin\libasprintf-0.dll 
-rm -rf bin\libcairo-script-interpreter-2.dll 
-rm -rf bin\libgcc_s_dw2-1.dll 
-rm -rf bin\ngettext.exe 
-rm -rf bin\pango-querymodules.exe 
-rm -rf bin\pango-view.exe 
-rm -rf bin\pkg-config.exe 
-rm -rf bin\xmlwf.exe 
-rm -rf etc\bash_completion.d 
-rm -rf gtk+-bundle_2.*README.txt 
-rm -rf include 
-rm -rf lib\*.a 
-rm -rf lib\*.def 
-rm -rf lib\*.dll 
-rm -rf lib\*.lib 
-rm -rf lib\gdk-pixbuf-2.0 
-rm -rf lib\glib-2.0 
-rm -rf lib\pkgconfig 
-rm -rf man 
-rm -rf manifest 
-rm -rf share\aclocal 
-rm -rf share\doc 
-rm -rf share\glib-2.0 
-rm -rf share\gtk-2.0 
-rm -rf share\gtk-doc 
-rm -rf share\man 
-rm -rf src 
-Then create a subdirectory "gtk" in your Geany git clone and copy 
-the remaining bundle contents into the "gtk" directory so that it contains 
-the bin-etc-lib-share directory structure: 
-Et voila: you got a stripped down GTK runtime environment ready to use for Geany on Windows. 
-Since Geany 1.25 we include a grep binary in the installer to easily make Find in Files 
-work on Windows without further user interaction. So we need to copy grep.exe 
-from UnxUtils to the GTK runtime directory: 
-cp c:\libs\utils\usr\local\wbin\grep.exe c:\git\geany\gtk\bin 
-As usual, edit paths as necessary. 
-===== Release Geany and Geany-Plugins ===== 
-==== Release Geany ==== 
-Download {{:howtos:win32:release.py.txt|}} (and remove the .txt extension) 
-  * edit release.py and update VERSION constant 
-  * check for a clean working copy (e.g. no uncommitted changes) 
-  * clean and build (adjust versions as necessary): 
-rmdir /S geany-1.24 
-python waf clean 
-git pull 
-python waf configure --no-scm 
-python waf build 
-python waf install 
-python release.py 
-  * Party! 
-==== Release Geany-Plugins ==== 
-Download {{:howtos:win32:release.plugins.py.txt|}} (and remove the .txt extension) 
-  * edit: release.py and update VERSION constant 
-  * check for a clean working copy (e.g. no uncommitted changes) 
-  * clean and build (adjust versions as necessary): 
-rmdir /S geany-plugins-1.24 
-python waf clean 
-git pull 
-python waf configure --no-scm 
-python waf build 
-python waf install 
-python release.py 
-  * Party! 
-====== TODO ====== 
-  * document and provide plugins contrib 
-  * document release process in detail 
-  * document PyGTK installation  
-{{tag>howto win32 build}} 