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howtos:win32:running [2011/05/28 09:00] – Unify GTK+ spelling enricohowtos:win32:running [2022/11/19 12:03] (current) – Update tags enrico
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 To run Geany under Windows you may need to install the GTK+ runtime libraries, depending how you installed Geany. If you use the [[http://www.geany.org/Download/Releases|official full installer]], a recent GTK+ runtime is included and you don't need any additional software. To run Geany under Windows you may need to install the GTK+ runtime libraries, depending how you installed Geany. If you use the [[http://www.geany.org/Download/Releases|official full installer]], a recent GTK+ runtime is included and you don't need any additional software.
-If not using the full installer, you need to install a GTK+ runtime environment, e.g.:+If not using the full installer, you need to install a GTK+ runtime environment. 
 +The best way is to use the [[http://msys2.github.io/|MSYS2]] project which provides all necessary dependencies to build and run Geany on Windows coupled with a comfortable package manager.
-GTK+ runtime for Windows 2000 and newer: +Information on how to build Geany from source yourself on Windows can be found on [[howtos/win32/msys2]]
-  * GTK+ 2.16 is the most stable at the time of writing - if you have a higher version you should check the release notes to see if there are problems e.g. with theming. 
-  * Since Geany 0.16, GTK+ >= 2.8 is required, which in turn requires at least Windows 2000 or newer. The official Windows builds of Geany are built against GTK+ 2.16, so 
-to use them you also need GTK+ 2.16 or newer. 
 (The Geany Windows executable can be downloaded from the [[http://www.geany.org/Download/Releases|Geany website]].) (The Geany Windows executable can be downloaded from the [[http://www.geany.org/Download/Releases|Geany website]].)
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 Some features are missing: Some features are missing:
-  * build support (implemented but might be still buggy) +  * embedded terminal emulation (VTE, as far as we know there is nothing equal for Windows)
-  * embedded terminal emulation (VTE, as far as know there is nothing equal for Windows)+
-The Build system support on Windows has been improved in the past but it is still not as good as on other platforms. 
-Currently, build commands are executed synchronous on Windows, that is, whil the command is being executed, 
-Geany won't respond to user interactions and its user interface won't redraw, i.e. it seems to be freezed. 
-Once the executed command has finished, the Geany main window becomes responsive again. 
-FYI, the original announcement for the Geany 0.7 Windows build (mostly outdated): 
 ===== Windows developer tools ===== ===== Windows developer tools =====
-Geany does not include any developer tools such as compilers or interpreters, as we want to keep it lightweight. You will need to install any development tools yourselfSome links:+Geany does not include any developer tools such as compilers or interpreters, as we want to keep it lightweight. You will need to install these separately. 
 +==== Grep ==== 
 +Grep is needed for "Find in Files" functionality. 
 +  * version 2.4.2 via [[http://unxutils.sf.net|UnxUtils]] - The present recommendation in the Geany manual. 
 +  * version 2.5.4 via [[http://gnuwin32.sourceforge.net/packages/grep.htm|GnuWin]] - Confirmed to work on Windows 7, with Geany 1.22. Allows use of the valuable --exclude-dir option. 
 +==== Other ==== 
 +For the below, download the 'Automated MinGW Installer' program from [[https://osdn.net/projects/mingw/|Minimal GNU for Windows]], as it is harder to install each tool separately: 
 +  * gcc 
 +  * g++ (g++ requires gcc) 
 +  * make
-  * grep (needed for Find in Files) - use [[http://unxutils.sf.net|UnxUtils]]. 
-  * gcc, g++, make - use [[http://www.mingw.org|Minimal GNU for Windows]]. You should download the 'Automated MinGW Installer' program, as it is harder to install each tool separately. Note that for g++ you also need to install gcc.+{{tag>howto windows runtime}}