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newsletter:markuplanguages [2011/05/29 04:01] – [AsciiDoc] elextrnewsletter:markuplanguages [2011/06/05 17:13] (current) frlan
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 Con fewer contributions may come in Latex so more conversion effort may be needed by the production team. Con fewer contributions may come in Latex so more conversion effort may be needed by the production team.
 ==== ReST ==== ==== ReST ====
 +Is the current used markup language. Its seems to support all points mentioned above either as build in or with some little manuel work after. 
 +The only unsolved issue is the generating of plain text with table of content and section numbering. This could be done using the HTML/PDF output but will need some further effort to investigate. 
 ==== Sphinx ==== ==== Sphinx ====
 ==== AsciiDoc ====  ==== AsciiDoc ==== 
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 Cons isn't used in Geany so its an extra tool. Cons isn't used in Geany so its an extra tool.
-But it is just Python and can be just installed in a user directory (or even run from the clone of the Mercurial repo), it doesn't need to be a system install (although it can be from package (most distros, all listed above) or makefile).+But it is just Python and can be just installed in a user directory (or even run from the clone of the Mercurial repo), it doesn't need to be a system install (although it can be from package (most distros, all listed above including windows) or makefile).
 ==== Doxygen ==== ==== Doxygen ====