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openrheinruhr_2011 [2011/08/17 07:04] – +tag frlanopenrheinruhr_2011 [2011/09/04 13:59] (current) – rework the page with much more information enrico
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-====== OpenRheinRuhr 2011======+===== OpenRheinRuhr 2011 =====
-[[http://openrheinruhr.de/|OpenRheinRuhr]] is a annular event about FLOSS. The event is happening in 2011 on November 12th - 13th, right after the German PostgreSQL meeting in Oberhausen, Germany. Geany is having a booth over there together with the guys of [[http://xfce.org|Xfce]]+The OpenRheinRuhr is a growing German Linux about various aspects of Free Open Source Software with interesting talks and an exhibition area.
-{{tag> Event}}+This year we will provide a Geany booth, hopefully we will reach many people and maybe even get a few new users. 
 +==== Event ==== 
 +Location: Rheinisches Industriemuseum, Oberhausen, Germany 
 +Date: November 12th-13th, 2011 
 +Website: [[http://www.openrheinruhr.de/|www.openrheinruhr.de]] 
 +==== Booth Details ==== 
 +  * Booth registered by: Frank 
 +  * Size: ??? 
 +  * Desks and stuff: 
 +    * Desks: ??? 
 +    * Chairs: ??? 
 +    * Bars / Bistro tables: ??? 
 +==== Equipment ==== 
 +  * Poster: ??? 
 +  * Tablecloth: ??? 
 +  * Screen for presentation: do we want a dedicated screen or is a demo notebook enough? 
 +  * Geany Shirts: Frank and Enrico have black and [[http://uvena.de/tmp/clt2011/20110315_001.jpg|yellow Geany shirts]], Enrico still has one to give away (for ~20 Euro) 
 +  * Funny little yellow magic lantern 
 +====  Merchandise ====  
 +  * Sticker ([[http://uvena.de/tmp/xfce-laptop-sticker.svg|Beispiel]]): Enrico: Restbestände noch vorhanden, aber wird quantitativ eng (muss noch zählen) 
 +  * Something else: ??? 
 +==== ToDos ==== 
 +  * create a poster 
 +  * create / find / buy a tablecloth 
 +==== Attendes ==== 
 +^  # ^ Name                ^ Time                ^ Accommodation ^ Note ^ 
 +|  1 | Frank Lanitz             
 +|  2 | Enrico Tröger       | Friday evening till Sunday evening      | None yet | I won't be available all the time at the booth as I mainly service at the Xfce booth 
 +{{tag> event}}