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plugins:development [2011/10/07 21:43] – Link to API/ABI versions added frlanplugins:development [2013/04/07 11:53] (current) – Improve a sentence codebrainz
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 Geany offers a plugin API to access Geany functions from a plugin.  Geany offers a plugin API to access Geany functions from a plugin. 
-Using this plugin interface, features can be implemented, which do not fit into Geany's core. +The plugin interface can be used to implement features that do not fit into Geany's core.
 ===== HowTo ===== ===== HowTo =====
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 The most recent documentation of Geany's plugin API can be found at [[http://www.geany.org/manual/reference/]] The most recent documentation of Geany's plugin API can be found at [[http://www.geany.org/manual/reference/]]
-list with API/ABI version for Geany-releases can be found [[plugins:development:api-versions|here]].+===== Version Matrix ===== 
 +table with the API and ABI versions for Geany-releases as well as versions of various dependencies can be found [[plugins:development:api-versions|here]].
 {{tag>development plugin API}} {{tag>development plugin API}}