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users:colombanw [2013/08/31 15:03] – Add more plugins colombanwusers:colombanw [2015/07/12 21:16] (current) – List Git Change Bar colombanw
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   * [[http://plugins.geany.org/commander.html|Commander]] -- all actions at your fingers   * [[http://plugins.geany.org/commander.html|Commander]] -- all actions at your fingers
 +  * [[http://plugins.geany.org/git-changebar.html|Git Change Bar]] -- highlights changes in files tracked with Git
   * [[http://plugins.geany.org/geanygendoc.html|GeanyGenDoc]] -- code documentation made easy   * [[http://plugins.geany.org/geanygendoc.html|GeanyGenDoc]] -- code documentation made easy
   * [[http://plugins.geany.org/pohelper.html|POHelper]] -- tools for easier editing of GetText translation files   * [[http://plugins.geany.org/pohelper.html|POHelper]] -- tools for easier editing of GetText translation files