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wiki:codenames [2015/07/12 16:12] – created enricowiki:codenames [2023/10/19 18:13] (current) – Add codename "Yage" for 2.1 enrico
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 Source / Inspiration: Source / Inspiration:
 Previously used codenames: Previously used codenames:
   * Argon   * Argon
   * Balfour   * Balfour
 +  * Bemos
 +  * Calron
   * Delurin   * Delurin
   * Disra   * Disra
 +  * Gorgon
   * Gromia   * Gromia
 +  * Jowar
   * Kaine   * Kaine
 +  * Keong
 +  * Malvek
 +  * Poliff
 +  * Pryce
   * Quillan   * Quillan
 +  * Rezer
 +  * Rosset
   * Sakai   * Sakai
   * Selit   * Selit
 +  * Siralt
 +  * Sulamar
   * Tavira   * Tavira
   * Traeda   * Traeda
 +  * Trevin
   * Veed   * Veed
   * Vellam   * Vellam
   * Vensell   * Vensell
-  * Vered 
   * Wessex   * Wessex
 +  * Wolbam
 +  * Yage