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MBDyn Filetype
MBDyn is a free general purpose Multibody Dynamics analysis software, released under GNU's GPL 2.1
Add the following lines to ~/.config/geany/filetype_extensions.conf under the section [Extensions]
[Extensions] MBDyn=*.mbd;*.ref;*.nod;*.elm;*.set;
Save the configuration file below in your Geany filetype definition files config directory, e.g. ~/.config/geany/filedefs/filetypes.MBDyn.conf
NB: Note that this filetype definition file is in development, meaning it can be used but needs improvement.
- filetypes.MBDyn.conf
# For complete documentation of this file, please see Geany's main documentation [styling] # foreground;background;bold;italic default=default comment=0x0000FF;0xFFFFFF commentline=0x0000FF;0xFFFFFF commentdoc=commentdoc number=0xFF00FF word=0x00805C;0xFFFFFF;true;false word2=0xA51D1D;0xFFFFFF;true;false string=string character=string uuid=0x404080 preprocessor=0x8000FF;0xFFFFFF operator=operator identifier=identifier stringeol=stringeol # @"verbatim" verbatim=0x101030 # (/regex/) regex=0x105090 commentlinedoc=commentdoc,bold commentdockeyword=commentdoc,bold,italic commentdockeyworderror=commentdoc #globalclass=type globalclass=0x505050;0xffffff;true;false [keywords] # all items must be in one line secondary=begin end set primary=structural reference asbtract node body drive caller driver diag null eye string genel matrix amplitude gravity uniform single angular velocity acceleration axial rotation revolute hinge cardano brake pin clamp coincidence deformable displacement joint distance gimbal in line plane kinematic linear velocity acceleration plane prismatic rod total bezier spherical viscous abstract algebraic array state space siso mimo a b c differential air properties const file data control iterations max output meter steps forever netcdf elements position component absolute integer ramp include force results default initial value rigid loadable aerodynamic genels drivers global dynamic variable step interpolation pad zeroes no mult orientation element user defined induced jacobian c81 real cosine driven constraint active inactive condense inertial inertia beam3 accelerations yes proportional damping origin alpha first angle units degrees problem all module load cyclocopter delay omegacut kappa timestep polimi inflow time naive colamd nonlinear solver newton raphson modified time method tolerance none derivatives assembly skip hydraulic beams hydraulic static beam viscoelastic generic inline super compressible incompressible thermal exponential orifice flow valve density fluid uncompressible final same elastic follower half sine dof ms offset direct parameter couple bind with offset coefficient rotor eta correction crank nicholson couple isotropic spring support bodies joints nodes bodies forces [settings] # default extension used when saving files extension=mbd lexer_filetype=C #fold.comment.python=1 #fold.quotes.python=1 # single comment char, like # in this file comment_single=# # multiline comments comment_open=/* comment_close=*/ comment_use_indent=false