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Table of Contents
A long standing plugin-wishlist-item is an extension, to better support handling of SQL inside of Geany. In particular it's about e.g. executing queries – currently Geany is supporting only hacking of SQL with e.g. syntax highlighting or navigation via symbol browser.
Already supported by Geany
- Syntaxhighlighting for a huge number SQL dialects
- Symbolbrowser
- Running sql-scripts via build menu
- Running sql via “sending selection to”
- Converting a tab-seperated list to SQL for e.g. INSERT by tableconver-plugin
Open points for Geany core
- Improve symbolbrowser as some procedures are not recognized (as by March 2014)
Wishlistitems for a new plugin
- Support for common (relational) DBMS
- MySQL/MariaDB/*
- PostgreSQL
- DB2
- Oracle
- Sybase-Family
- MS SQL (?)
- Informix (?)
- Configuration/bookmarks for different connections (kind of a server manager)
- A widget showing messages
- A widget showing results of query
- Most likely as a tabular
- View showing structure of database/table
- “create .. anything” (view, stored procedure, index..) from sidebar(?)