Software Freedom Day in Hamburg, Germany

About the Software Freedom Day

The Software Freedom Day is an event taking place worldwide, once a year, on the third Saturday in September.

SFD Hamburg

The SFD Hamburg is the local event taking place in Hamburg, Germany. It is similar to it's big sisters like Chemnitzer Linuxtage, LinuxTag Berlin, FrOSCon and OpenRheinRuhr, but quite a bit smaller. There will be a program with several talks and an exhibition hall with some free software projects.

Geany and the SFD Hamburg

In 2010 Dominic was giving a talk about Geany and showing some neat features live via the beamer. To present knowledge we haven't any resources to be present on that event with a booth or a talk in 2011, but there are two people of the Geany community you can meet there can talk to if you like.
